Anjin Abe
Ceramic materials are all fired clay.
There is great diversity in ceramics made in different ages, countries, ethnic groups, purposes, and environments, and today the applications of ceramics extend from parts of the human body to outer space.
For example, the tea bowls used in the tea ceremony and the new ceramics used in space flight may seem like entirely different things, but they are the same insofar as they involve the act of firing. It is important to understand this.
However, when yaku (simple firing) becomes yake (the ideal condition envisioned by the potter), the potential of ceramics becomes infinite.
I devote myself fiercely to an infinitesimal part of this potential. At the same time, I approach forms in painting and sculpture that are analogous to the ideal state of yake in ceramics, caressing them with my fingers to develop them into something useful.
